
While it is my deeply held belief that all people are created equal & all equally worthy of the same respect, autonomy, dignity, and high quality of care, our systems are not created to treat all of us equally.

Keeping in mind the ways that capitalist, heteronormative systems were created and are undeniably intertwined with white supremacy, it is my goal to not simply acknowledge these systems, but to use my various privileges to actively work against them. While every person who trusts me as their doula gets my 100%, I pay especially close attention to the ways that people who are marginalized can fall through the cracks of our deeply flawed systems and take a pro-active approach. It is my life’s work to see ALL people who are pregnant and give birth are treated in the highest regard and with the utmost dignity, sovereignty, autonomy, and respect and are set up for the best and most satisfying (and, dare I say PLEASURABLE) outcomes possible.