As your birth doula….
With your ask & consent:

I will

  • Recognize that each birthing person is an amazing individual,who will have a unique birth*, and tailor my support just for your journey
    (I acknowledge & affirm that not all pregnancies result in birth.)

  • Meet with you to discuss any questions about pregnancy, birth, newborn care, birthing options, referrals

  • Help you create a birth roadmap and take the opportunity to think through each of your options and preferences (Chances are we’ll have an absolute blast daydreaming about the details of your big, wild days to come!) 

  • Provide unwavering encouragement to you throughout your pregnancy, labor, delivery, & postpartum

  • Support all of YOUR informed decision making—even when those decisions vary from those that I would make for myself.

  • Encourage you to trust yourself, and your body

  • Offer resources both from my lending library and online, offer information and trusted and evidence-based sources, and referrals 

  • Provide lactation education and support

  • Show you ancient and up-to-date comfort measures that you can learn and practice to use during your birth

  • Be available 24/7 by email, phone, and/or text from date of hire into postpartum and beyond to help answer any questions that come up!

  • Serve and honor families and birthing people of all types, in all birth settings (unless you’re planning some sort of skydiving birth. I have this thing about heights…)

I will NEVER:

  • Speak on your behalf

  • Make decisions that are yours to make

  • Apply a one-size-fits all attempt at support (You are not an unrealistic pair of leggings or one of those weird bubble shirts from the 90’s!!)

  • Speak to medical staff or care providers about you, instead of speaking to you. I will speak to you, not around you

  • Attempt to replace your partner(s) or birth team. Rather, I humbly come along side all of your chosen support and help everyone stay engaged in supporting you during your journey

  • Play into the narrative that you need to be saved or rescued

  • EVER question your body or your baby’s ability to birth in power and joy!